by Joseph Taylor
Romance is important in any relationship. Everyone, regardless of what they say or do, responds to romance. The difficult part about romance is finding exactly what sort of romantic gesture your partner responds to favorably. There are some basic truths about romance that can help you to figure out what direction to take your romantic intentions.
When it comes to romance, it is important to remember that how you are romantic is really more important than why you are romantic. Both are important, but the action is what makes the most impact. You cannot reason or analyze love or the reasons behind a person's emotions, so it makes sense that romance follows suit.
Committing to romance can be a lengthy and strenuous process for some. If you find that you are someone who struggles with some of the concepts and ideas of romance, always take the time to remind yourself that no matter what you struggle with right now, the rewards far outweigh any difficulties in the end.
You can't expect the first attempt at romance or all subsequent attempts to be successful. You are human and error is definitely allowed. There are no true masters of romance in the real world. Everyone is unskilled at romance and just like anything else; it takes time and practice to learn the skills of the trade.
Romance is an excellent way to keep or reintroduce passion into any relationship. It is virtually impossible to keep that smitten feeling from when you first met for a lifetime; however it is possible to keep the passion alive for as long as you want it to be there with romance. Keeping passion in a relationship leads to a lifetime of happiness.
Remember that giving one hundred percent is the only way to have a good relationship with romance. If you believe that you and your partner must give fifty percent and meet halfway, there is still too much effort missing from both parties. Romance and relationships take all of a person's effort.
Recognize your partner as an individual and shed any stereotypical thoughts you may have. Understand that he or she is unique and that is what makes you passionate about them. Holes and ruts are often formed around preconceived notions and expectations. Eliminate any stereotypes or unrealistic expectations from your thought process and give your partner a clean slate.
Don't expect change to happen quickly when introducing or enhancing romance in any relationship. Change takes time and can be difficult for some people. Imagine that your relationship and romance can't move much more than a single mile or kilometer an hour. It is slow to move and slow to work. Also, enjoy the slow pace because change is an adjustment for many. If you feel uncomfortable with change, allow yourself a long time to get used to ideas and concepts before passing judgment.
Romance can make you happier. If you are happy, your partner is happy and a relationship can enjoy passion and excitement. Accept your love as a gift that is beyond explanation and that time is on your side when working on any aspect of a relationship. The heart is often wiser than the brain in relationships. Listen to both your heart and your partner and you can't go wrong.
About the Author
Joe Taylor is a respected writer and owner of Joe Taylors Relationship Advice Website. He runs and writes for his own newsletter and posts to his Relationships and Dating Tips Blog every week.
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