Sunday, August 21, 2011

Down To Earth Dating Advice For Women - Keep The Spark Alive

Dating advice for women can be complicated sometimes. There are so many different things to remember while you're on a date. In this article you will find a few advice tips for you to work on while you're on a date. Always remember though, it is only a guideline and it's you on the date, not the person writing the article.

A woman should always be their self on a date. If you pretend to be something you aren't, you may end up ruining your chances. You will make things difficult for yourself. By pretending to be someone else you are lying to yourself and to the guy you're on a date with. Trying to please someone by being something you aren't proves that the guy is maybe not the right one for you in any case and you may end up angering him by lying.

Women sometimes find it hard to accept a compliment given by a man. Most of the time we find they may be lying to us. Most men will give you an honest compliment on your first date. The best is to accept it and thank him for it. This will show that you're self-assured and do not lack confidence. You need to accept that you may really be as beautiful as the man is saying you are. You should never try explaining the compliment away. Never ignore it and do not try to change the subject when he has given you one to try and take the spot light off you.

When you're on a date, you should not discuss your previous relationship. Discussing previous relationships may give the impression you still have feelings for your previous boyfriend. This discussion may send a prospective boyfriend in the opposite direction. The gentleman may decide that he does not want to wait until half way through your relationship for you to decide that you would like to try restarting your previous relationship and that you made a mistake by ending it.
Being positive is always right. Positivity on a date makes it pleasant. It will keep him from running away from your constant nagging or complaining. Complaining and nagging may portray you as an unhappy person and no one really enjoys a person who always complains.

The age old saying of making a man wait for you to arrive for your date is really a myth. Men will quickly become irritated if you are continually late for a date. If something comes up and you are genuinely going to be late for your meeting with him, phone ahead and explain the situation and give him a time frame of how much longer you are going to be. Tardiness is not something that will build anticipation; it only shows that you don't really care about being on time.
Honesty on a date is always important. If you feel you disagree in opinion you should let him know. Don't start an argument but inform in a polite manner you have a different feel about a subject. By doing so, you may prolong your conversation by comparing views. People may have different views on a subject; it only proves you're not boring by agreeing with him on everything.

The day after your date should not be a day for you to call. You should wait a few days and see if he calls you. If he is interested in you, he will make the time to phone you. If you don't receive a call, give him a call and keep the conversation light. If he is not interested in you it won't help by constantly calling him to see when your next date is. You will sound rather desperate.

The only real person who can help you on a date is yourself. 
Dating Advice for Girls will help but always remember to be yourself and keep yourself calm. 
Be friendly and don't make you look desperate or not interested. 
Always try to find the balance between the two.

About the Author  Matthew Hussey
Let's face it, you're not getting any younger - only more bitter every day you're not getting the guys you want. But it really doesn't have to be this way, you can meet, attract and keep the guys you want within days using the right advice. It just so happens that the right kind of advice is over at Get The Guy ( ), where you will learn proven attraction methods.

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