Friday, August 19, 2011

4 Key Reasons for Relationships

by Jane Saeman

Relationships are very beneficial. You know how your relationships have helped to mold you into who you are. You can probably name things you have learned through relationships and valuable things you have taken away from relationships. Relationships do a lot for us. There are actually four key reasons for relationships. They are outlined below.

1. Lessons. Relationships help up to learn and to teach others. Through our relationships, even our earliest with our parents, we learn. We can learn simple things, like how to walk or talk and we can learn complex things like how to let go or how to love. The lessons we get from relationships are priceless and may not be learned elsewhere.

2. Emotional Fulfillment. Relationships are made up mostly of emotion. It is through emotion our relationships form and grow. We learn a lot about emotion and we get a lot of emotional fulfillment from our relationships. It is through relationships we learn about emotions like love, anger, hope and happiness.

3. Self-Worth. For most people relationships are part of how they define themselves. Think about it, many women define themselves as a wife and mother because of their relationships. Relationships also help us define ourselves because they teach us about ourselves. They help us to learn our likes and dislikes; about how we react in different situations and about who we are as a person. The majority of our definition of us comes from the relationships we have had or have in our life.

4. Love. Romantic relationships are the means to the goal of finding love. They are the way to find the one you want to spend your life with and they help us to build our adult lives. Romantic relationships teach us about love and about how we deal with love. They teach us what love is and how it feels. They also teach us the value of love. Above all romantic relationships are human nature. They are, at their very basic, about procreating and keeping the human species alive.

These four reasons for relationships can really define any relationship in your life. If you really think about it they are all true. Relationships are more complex than anything else. The conflicting personalities and the differences in people make relationships fun and exciting and at times stressful. It is through relationships that we develop. Without relationships who knows what would happen. 

Very few people ever choose a life where they cut off all ties to any other person. As humans we crave relationships and need them to thrive. Relationships are important for many reasons, but perhaps the single most important reasons is that relationships make our lives worth living.

About the Author
Jane Saeman runs a site called along with info on dating and relationship on her blog at at

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