Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where to Find True Romance

by Sammy Kay

What is true romance? Has anyone ever set parameters that define the state of true romance? Take the movies for example. Can romance be disguised as a thriller or an action drama? Take some of these classics when thinking about true romance.

Some movie fans have claimed that they find Sir Anthony Hopkins' portrayal of the infamous Hannibal Lector as romantic. Okay, so he's a bit off the deep end, but how many people do you know who would actually chop off his own hand to save you? If that isn't a sign of true romance, what is? Actually, if you think about it long enough, you wonder what the bloody heck he did with the handcuff key in the first place. He could have saved himself the trouble, but it's the thought that counts, right?

What about the Phantom of the Opera? All he wants is to be loved by Christine, for crying out loud! Why can't she get beyond the scars? What defines true romance if it's not the desire and yearning found within all of us to love and be loved? And consider Quasimodo, from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Yeah, he's appearance-challenged, but what a guy! How can you deny that poor man's sense of chivalry and loyalty? All he wanted was to be loved as well, and he risks his all to save Esmeralda. Again, what is true romance? True romance is indeed found in the eye of the beholder.

Women must always strive to realize that true romance is more than candlelight, roses and candy. We also realize that true romance is more than syrupy endearments and undying declarations of love, but again, there's some ancient thing inside of us that, for some silly reason, yearns to hear it anyway. Authors create wonderfully romantic characters; characters that many of us would like to call our own. Why in the world can't we train our guys to behave like that, anyway? Perhaps that's the reason for creating the romance genre. This way, we can finally have true romance in the man of our dreams.

You think?

Most of us are mature enough to understand that the men we date or are married to aren't nearly as 'romantic' as their fictional or movie counterparts. Don't ask why not, but that seems to be the way it is. They may not measure up to the physical standards portrayed in many books and films, but who really cares? Our men are real. They're flesh and blood and if we're really lucky, they stand by us through thick or thin and shopping sprees. On paper and film screens, we see our 'true romance fantasy guys' at their best.

What, after all, actually constitutes true romance? 

Is it a candlelit dinner, or cuddling in front of a fire, or roller blading with your guy or just hanging out with each other? It should behoove us to remember that true romance comes wrapped in many different packages. It may come silently like a tender hug in the middle of the night, or warm bodies to lean against as you watch television. True romance may be a smile sent your way or a casual touch of the fingers. True romance doesn't have to sweep you off your feet, although that would be a nice sensation as long as you don't get hurt in the process.

About the Author
Still looking for the perfect romance? Try visiting http://www.MyRomanceLife.com , a website that specializes in providing romance advice, tips and resources including information on true romance 

The Importance of Romance

by Joseph Taylor

Romance is important in any relationship. Everyone, regardless of what they say or do, responds to romance. The difficult part about romance is finding exactly what sort of romantic gesture your partner responds to favorably. There are some basic truths about romance that can help you to figure out what direction to take your romantic intentions.

When it comes to romance, it is important to remember that how you are romantic is really more important than why you are romantic. Both are important, but the action is what makes the most impact. You cannot reason or analyze love or the reasons behind a person's emotions, so it makes sense that romance follows suit.

Committing to romance can be a lengthy and strenuous process for some. If you find that you are someone who struggles with some of the concepts and ideas of romance, always take the time to remind yourself that no matter what you struggle with right now, the rewards far outweigh any difficulties in the end.

You can't expect the first attempt at romance or all subsequent attempts to be successful. You are human and error is definitely allowed. There are no true masters of romance in the real world. Everyone is unskilled at romance and just like anything else; it takes time and practice to learn the skills of the trade.

Romance is an excellent way to keep or reintroduce passion into any relationship. It is virtually impossible to keep that smitten feeling from when you first met for a lifetime; however it is possible to keep the passion alive for as long as you want it to be there with romance. Keeping passion in a relationship leads to a lifetime of happiness.

Remember that giving one hundred percent is the only way to have a good relationship with romance. If you believe that you and your partner must give fifty percent and meet halfway, there is still too much effort missing from both parties. Romance and relationships take all of a person's effort.
Recognize your partner as an individual and shed any stereotypical thoughts you may have. Understand that he or she is unique and that is what makes you passionate about them. Holes and ruts are often formed around preconceived notions and expectations. Eliminate any stereotypes or unrealistic expectations from your thought process and give your partner a clean slate.

Don't expect change to happen quickly when introducing or enhancing romance in any relationship. Change takes time and can be difficult for some people. Imagine that your relationship and romance can't move much more than a single mile or kilometer an hour. It is slow to move and slow to work. Also, enjoy the slow pace because change is an adjustment for many. If you feel uncomfortable with change, allow yourself a long time to get used to ideas and concepts before passing judgment.

Romance can make you happier. If you are happy, your partner is happy and a relationship can enjoy passion and excitement. Accept your love as a gift that is beyond explanation and that time is on your side when working on any aspect of a relationship. The heart is often wiser than the brain in relationships. Listen to both your heart and your partner and you can't go wrong.

About the Author
Joe Taylor is a respected writer and owner of Joe Taylors Relationship Advice Website. He runs and writes for his own newsletter and posts to his Relationships and Dating Tips Blog every week.

Tips for creating great profile on online dating site

By Linda Crowford

Dating undoubtedly is becoming rising trend especially among youngsters. Most of us are using online dating service for finding a true love, companion, flirting or just to hang around with someone you like. Online dating sites are keeping the huge database of members. If you would like to search profiles, you need to register yourself with it. After initial sign-up, you are required to create your own profile, which will be added in your chosen online dating site's database. In fact, profile creation is the integral part of registration process with almost all the leading online dating services.

Writing a profile is an art and it becomes too special if you gonna make it for online dating purpose. Profile needs to be very catchy, it must also reflect your personality in the first place. Profile should arouse temptation for other members to look at your profile and interest to contact you. That's why you are at online dating site, right?

"Blond gorgeous, blue-eyed, widely traveled, nature loving, God fearing, benevolent and fun loving independent entrepreneur for an advertising firm looking mate for the same." Perhaps these few lines could add spice to your profile.
Following few tips could help you making your profile more genuine and creative in leading online dating service:

1. Be positive
Since your profile reflects your personality, you must take precautions while creation. It must reflect positive side of your personality. Nobody likes negative shades in you. Hence, you need to be very positive.

2. Create excitement
Make profile exciting. Why someone should take interest in you if you do not sound exciting? This excitement can be created by presenting list of your interests and hobbies. Be specific and avoid making it too lengthy. Mention interests which you think would be exciting to opposite sex. Remember, simple and boring profiles are over-looked many times.

3. Be upbeat
Make sure you sound like dream person who would be fun to know. You should be the person everyone is waiting for.

4. Reveal facts
Mention the facts that matter most to you, so are for your dating partner. Hence, stick to facts and not hype. Be genuine in disclosing facts. Giving any false information could minimize your chances of getting good responses.

5. Honesty is the best policy
While filling up the columns for your personal habits and marital status be honest in disclosing about your height, body type, smoking and drinking habits, and marital status. You are also required to upload true photo of yourself.

6. Realistic approach
While dating online, keep in mind that you must find someone who is also looking for dating. Creating profiles for whom you think won't be responsive, is just waste of time.

7. Accessibility
Your profile should be accessible and open for others to approach. This will open the whole new world of contacts for you.

8. Upload photo
Profile with photos has 15 times more chances for getting responses quickly than those without ones. In fact, profiles with photos produce great search results in online dating site's databases. It is a fact that people prefer to read profiles having fascinating photos and contact them, hence do not lose the opportunity of finding mate just for being negligent in uploading your photo. Some online dating services provide options of uploading more than one photograph; therefore, you have better chances to upload your good photos in different poses. Make it well-focused, close-up shots and then no eyes could escape seeing your profile.

To know much more about online dating service, please do visit at <http://www.datingservices-online.net>

About the Author
Linda Crowford is an author for many successful articles and ebooks written on human relationship especially romance, dating, marriage and divorce. She is also associated with online dating service and dating services online. She gives helpful advices to her clients.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Romantic Date Ideas: 5 Big Mistakes That Could Put You in the Valentine's Day Penalty Box

By Tracey E. Bennett

If you want romance, connection and closeness on this most romantic of days, listen up! Valentine's Day is the most important date day of the year. And that's not just Hallmark speaking. Your sweetie believes it, too. You want to score points and stay out of the penalty box. So play hard and fair, and stay away from the 5 big mistakes. They include 1) not planning until the last minute, 2) choosing a gift that sends the wrong message, 3) buying the wrong clothing size, and 4) blowing the chance for true intimacy.

Ready? Here we go:

1. Forgetting this special date day altogether.
Have you been living in a barrel? Are you oblivious to all the hearts and red posters in store windows? Ohhh, forgetting this romantic day is gonna cost you. But that's another topic.

2. Not planning until the last minute.
You can get restaurant reservations, but only at Taco Bell. The flower shop has been picked over. Valentine's cards look shoddy and bent. Take heart. All is not lost because you're cooking, buying artificial flower arrangements, and making cards. Then you have to pretend that you planned it all along. (I lied about the fake flowers. Don't buy those unless she loves 'em and you don't mind living with them.)

3. Choosing a gift that sends the wrong message.
Giving her Tigress perfume and Victoria's Secret lingerie sends a message that you want her to be sexy or sexier. Or worse, that she's not sexy, period. If she's a soap-and-socks kind of gal, you're off base. But new socks and jammies in her favorite color might be a cherished Valentine's Day gift idea, showing that you're paying attention to her uniqueness.

On the other hand, if she likes perfume, there are inexpensive "message" brands that could make your point--for example, Goddess and Sensational. Perfume counters often have tester bottles. Buy the fragrance you like, spritz a piece of paper with the tester, and wrap them up together. If she sniffs the paper and doesn't like it, she doesn't have to open the package, and it's returnable. Then go shopping together for another scent. You've made your point, and she can get what she likes and educate you, too.

4. Buying clothing that's too big.
If you want to break up, get her a tarp from Omar the Tent Maker. If you're unsure about her size, go small. If you can afford it, buy 2 or 3 sizes of the same item. Gift wrap the smallest size, and stash the others in the closet.

5. Having ordinary conversation on an extraordinary day
A special day deserves special conversation starters. Make this romantic date all about getting to know her better than you already think you do. I promise you, no matter how long you've been together, there's unexplored territory. You can find hundreds of conversation questions in my e-book Do You Squeeze the Toothpaste in the Middle? Playful Questions for Dates & Mates. Here is a good conversation starter you can play with:
    * Modesty aside, what are you good at? It could be anything--from changing
      light bulbs in high places to making margaritas from scratch to tying knots.
      Name at least 3 things youre good at. And then I'll tell you 3 more. 

Keep going, taking turns back and forth. Here's a hint: think about what she's good at in advance so you have a bucketful of praise to share. When she runs out of ideas, keep adding to the list. This free Valentine's Day gift idea could be the highlight of her date with you!

About the Author
And now I'd like to invite you to download more good conversation questions. Get "15 Fun, Free, and Original Ice Breakers & Conversation Questions for Parties, Dates, and Hanging Out With Friends."   Tracey is the author of the ebook "Do You Squeeze the Toothpaste in the Middle: Playful Questions for Dates and Mates ."

Inspirational Love Quotes You Cannot Miss

by Sky Kim

Love is the hardest habit to break. So, we have to love. There is no escape.
Here are top 10 inspirational love quotes you must skip if you don't want to Love.

" Love is the hardest habit to break, and the most difficult to satisfy."
~ Drew Barrymore

" Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything."
~ Katharine Hepburn

" There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche "

When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it's only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it's two hours. That's relativity."
~ Albert Einstein "

In love, the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two."
 ~ Erich Fromm

" Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls."
~ Khalil Gibran

" Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
~ Robert A. Heinlein

" Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
~ Laozi

" In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities."
~ Janos Arany

"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."
~ Henry Van Dyke

"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."
~ Bruce Lee

"I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it."
~ Audrey Hepburn

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."
~ Judy Garland

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
~ Victor Hugo

"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life."
~ Leo Buscaglia

About the Author
View more Love quotes. Find, Read, and Share Your Favorite Quotes from http://quotedepot.net